Wednesday, October 04, 2023

I'd just got in the shower . . .

washed my face, all soapy, and the phone rang. I knew it would. 

I'd phoned the surgery earlier and as I was number 25 in the queue decided to opt for the call-back. End result, now booked in for flu and covid jabs (next week) and a shingles jab (the week after).

Also heard that next week's talk is postponed so no excuse for not writing writing now i.e. 'proper' writing as opposed to blogging.

But have to go and cook chilli for sixty first. "You're going to need a bigger pan."

Yesterday's dinner, fish pie.

And yesterday's cake for Zac's, chocolate raisin slice.
* * * * *
I finished another jigsaw yesterday and discovered it was missing three pieces. Always a possibility when buying jigsaws from charity shops but was lulled into a sense of security by the label stuck on the front of the box.

That just made it worse!

* * * * *

My phone keeps putting itself on Do Not Disturb. It knows me so well.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Three pieces missing? How maddening!

Anvilcloud said...

I'm not sure if fish pie exists over here. It may be an 'Old Country' things which is what my grandparents called your area of the world.

Kathy G said...

Important things always happen when you're in the middle of something else.

Ann said...

False advertising. How dare they put complete on the box when there are pieces missing.

acorn hollow said...

That drives my husband crazy to have missing pieces.
Chili for 60 is a job and a half