Sunday, October 29, 2023

A sunny Sunday - in between showers

When you've just put the moussaka in the oven

and then you notice the aubergines on the side of the kitchen counter.
I had put some in but there were supposed to be two layers. I console myself with the knowledge I couldn't have fitted it all in the dish anyway. As it was I had some left-over meat sauce I am keeping for Louie. (I say that as if it were accidental when I had, in fact, planned it that way. Not that he is spoiled you understand.)

With all the extra-long walks I'm having I should be losing weight. I would be losing weight were it not for the fact that I come home and say, "I've had lots of exercise; I can eat a packet of chocolate fingers now."

Or a meringue.

* * * * *
Finished watching the Beckham documentary last night. He made some poor decisions but he also had some rubbish managers. Seems like a nice boy though. (Boy? He's 47 now.)

South Africa won the Rugby World Cup in a less than brilliant game. Final score was 12-11 I think. 

Nearly the end of October and my plan to have all my Christmas shopping done hasn't yet come to completion but there's still time.

Also very pleased to report that my oven clock is now telling the right time. Right hour at least, minutes less so.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, who needs more eggplant anyway? I wonder if Louie would eat them with the meat sauce?

Ann said...

Extra long walks should result in weight loss and I'm quite upset that it doesn't always work that way