Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A novel in search of a title

Right, all you creative people out there, I'd like your help please.

I am useless at coming up with titles and I'm currently trying to edit a novel plus think of a title and design a cover. The book is written in my usual light-hearted style but it does have dark undertones - people trafficking and nasty stuff, you know the sort of thing! Here are a couple of blurbs I've come up with so far to give you the idea.

When Tabby wakes up in a rubbish skip - again - she decides the time has come for action. The bad guys might have got away with it so far but it's time to turn the tables. With the help of her mum, a disgraced policeman, a farting dog, and two homeless friends Tabby is determined to bring the handsome criminal millionaire to justice. And she was only supposed to be making a few sandwiches.

Rescuing an illegal immigrant.  On the run from a criminal millionaire.  She was only supposed to be making a few sandwiches but now Tabby finds herself in a real life adventure, with her mum, a disgraced policeman, a farting dog, and two homeless friends to help. 

I've just walked Louie - he's staying with us for a week so we have locked everything he might eat/bury away - and brainstormed titles. Had to whatsapp them to Husband because I couldn't work out how else to remember them.

Not what it seems

Death disguised

Danger comes in many forms

Who do you believe

Surface appearance

A good impression

Danger in disguise (current favourite)

I'd planned to call it Tabitha's Table - the heroine is a small-time caterer - but I don't think that conveys enough of the plot. There's also a house called Manderley in it, and an evil housekeeper, so I tried going down those lines but without success.

So, any and all ideas would be appreciated. 

I know this screams self-published but it's only my first try and again I'd value any thoughts/ideas.


Boud said...

I can't make a suggestion other than to pick out a significant phrase from the book itself as a title.

Ann said...

I have a hard enough time coming up with post titles. I think any of your options are good.

Janie Junebug said...

Tabby Brings The Handsome Criminal Millionaire To Justice (When She Was Only Supposed To Be Making A Few Sandwiches)

The Adventures of Tabitha, Who Was Only Supposed To Be Making A Few Sandwiches

What Tabby Did Instead of Making A Few Sandwiches

The Tale of Tabitha, Who Was Only Supposed To Make A Few Sandwiches


I guess you can tell I'm fixated on making sandwiches. Maybe it's because I'm hungry.

Ole phat Stu said...

Always check e.g. by an Amazon lookup that the title has not already been taken. Some countries have title protection.

Anonymous said...

Danger with lashings of mustard.

PipeTobacco said...

How about “Sandwiched Millionaire”.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you all! I have added suggestions to my list.

Anvilcloud said...

I offer no assistance, but I am impressed by your creativity.