Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The trouble with cows and golfers . . .

is that they're all over the golf course. 

Daughter has now tested positive for Covid so I walked Louie again. He hasn't yet learned that mummy cows are quite precious about their babies - as are most mothers - and don't like them being what they view as threatened by young dogs so we try to avoid cows wherever possible. Golfers too but they're an inevitable part of a walk across the golf course.

I could see what looked like a large herd of cows in the next valley so thought we'd be fine to walk around the headland but cows are sneaky: they hide behind bushes and turn up where you least expect them.

"Come on, Louie. We'll walk on the beach. We'll be safe there." You'd think.

On the way back a heavily-laden man stopped to let us pass even though there was plenty of room on the path. "Sometimes dogs are spooked by my fishing rods," he explained.
"I'm not surprised," I said. "I thought it was a gun."

To be fair he did look rather MAGA-like, but will I ever learn to think before speaking?

But how handsome is Louie?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Louie's cute -- and it looks really windy on the beach!

Marie Smith said...

That Louie is a cutie, for sure!

Ann said...

Louie is very handsome.

Anvilcloud said...

Wandering cows are a peculiarity of our part of the world. Or at least they don't wander in my part of the world.