Thursday, September 28, 2023

The bull and me

An uneventful walk today if you discount me forgetting it is impossible to walk from one beach to another without going through the river.

But I remembered I'd forgotten to tell you about my adventure yesterday.

You remember the cows? Well, we were getting close to them so I wanted to put Louie on his lead - and that is easier said than done as the clip is very stiff. So I was struggling to put it on when I heard a loud "ummmuuuooorrr." I looked behind to see this:

A big black bull. And yes it was a bull I am convinced. 

And then it struck me. The view that the bull would have.

My big red bottom.

I gave up trying to put the lead on properly, twisted it through Louie's collar and said, "Okay, Louie, we're not going to run, we're just going to walk very quickly over there behind the bush. We're not going to panic!" 

Obviously we lived to tell the tale, which undoubtedly will get more exciting each time I tell it.


Ann said...

Since the encounter with the bull ended well I can't help but laugh at the pictures and imagine the whole thing.

Anvilcloud said...

Thanks for the fun picture.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, the proverbial red flag! Love that rock labyrinth on the grass by the beach!

Liz Hinds said...

Labyrinth! I was trying to remember that word, Debra!

Janie Junebug said...

I'm sure the bull thought the view of your bottom was lovely and his only thought was he wanted to compliment you on your beauty. Of course in future tellings the bull will chase you and you'll have to come up with a complicated strategy to outsmart him so you can get away. You will also be stronger than the bull. Eventually the story will include you picking up the bull and tossing him aside when he gets too close and threatens Louie.
