Saturday, September 16, 2023

Still on food

Younger Son is gluten intolerant so I took some desiccated coconut with me to make coconut macaroons with the grandchildren. All went well - if you exclude children eating sugar straight from the packet and splattering mixture everywhere but not on the ceiling where I managed to spray some - until it came to oven time. 

It needed a low temperature but after the required time they were nowhere like cooked so I concluded the oven wasn't working properly at low temps and turned it up. Which again would have been okay if I hadn't then decided to pop to the village bakery for focaccia for lunch.

On my return I found the macaroons cremated. "They still taste alright," Husband said after picking the incinerated bits off around the edges.

I discarded them and made meringues instead. 

And the bakery wasn't even open when I got there.

Now Younger Son and Nuora both work in a forest school, which GrandSon4 attends. It's a multi-lingual school and one of the other teachers, who is English, set holiday homework for his class to make scones.  So we did.

Gluten-free flour and an unfamiliar raising agent meant the scones weren't quite as well-risen as they could be. Probably not helped by GrandSon4's enthusiastic pounding of dough either.
And we had to make do with squirty cream - no clotted cream in Italy.
But we all still managed to eat several and declare them delicious!


Anvilcloud said...

You certainly adapt well in the kitchen.

Marie Smith said...

It looks like fun! Great memories!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too bad about the macaroons!

acorn hollow said...

Great fun with the grands!

Boud said...

I'm glad you soldiered on with the baking, against all odds, including junior chef not knowing his own strength.

PipeTobacco said...

I feel sad about the macaroons…. love them…. but you had to discard them. The other treats look good though! We’re your meringues soft or crispy? I have had both but could not tell from the photos.


Ann said...

Even if they didn't turn out it looks like they had lots of fun helping you.

Cop Car said...

The scones look scrumptious. Making macaroons takes more patience than I can exhibit.