Sunday, September 17, 2023

Must have a moussaka

Planned family lunch depleted because of under the weather-ness of Elder Son but the rest of enjoyed moussaka and for veggie Daughter, lentil moussaka.

Excellent recipe I adjusted very slightly to make use of the tomato sauce Husband made and bottled yesterday. 

With a green salad and crusty bread it was delicious and Son-in-law, who doesn't like aubergines - I didn't know that when I planned lunch - had second helpings. It was true you could barely tell there were aubergines in it apart from the odd bit of tough skin. Our garden aubergines are long and thin and their skin is quite thick.

* * * * *
Wales played their second game in the Rugby World Cup yesterday. It was expected to be an easy big-scoring game as Portugal are a very much lower tier side. Wales won and even got a bonus point but Portugal played like men possessed. I even cheered for them when they finally scored a try. 

So a win but many things for the Welsh team to work on before the big game next weekend against Australia.

* * * * *
Now I have some free time. Yesterday Husband said, "You should take some time to relax; you had a busy holiday."

I'm not good at relaxing. I did think about watching some television but just remembered I have a big pile of jigsaws to do. Yay!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lots of cheese is good for covering up ingregients that people might not like otherwise!

Anvilcloud said...

You are very adept at cooking. If I do cook, I need to have a recipe, and then I might have trouble doing all of the steps.

Ann said...

That looks really good.