Saturday, September 30, 2023

Giving in to the inevitable

Husband informs me that the Home Secretary's appalling immigration speech was covered by the BBC. It's not on the headline page nor on the News page but even further down the chain on the Politics page. Still not good enough.

I went to a meeting yesterday afternoon. It turned out that the meeting was in the morning and somewhere else entirely. 

I checked my emails and I am relieved to report it wasn't my fault. I was given duff info. Still it gave me an excuse to go to M&S and get one of their meal deals for dinner. I do love their little prawn cocktails.

And, you know, sometimes you just have to give in, accept things as they are. Like the fact that I am inexorably drawn to a started jigsaw. Can't stop until it's done.

This one took me three days though. You probably can't see clearly but there is so much in it. Apart from the obvious big pictures, there are little sketches and bits of text all over the place.

Now will go and hang out the washing in the hope it doesn't rain.

* * * * *
September Bay magazine: my most embarrassing confession yet.

October Bay magazine: my criminal past.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's an amazingly detailed jigsaw! Your "criminal past" Bay article with your innocent remark to prison inmates about "grass" reminded me of a story a former girlfriend told me. She taught a prison art therapy group but noticed that many of her coloured markers would disappear after class. Apparently, once broken open, one could get a little buzz from sniffing the chemically infused ink. The guards told her to start bringing children's non-toxic markers instead.

Boud said...

Now my current artwork has moved off the table, I can resume my jigsaw puzzle practice. Posh expression, giving it more dignity than my 500 piece level warrants. You're above and beyond my puzzling level.

Have you seen and heard the latest sea shanty about Cruella? It's excellent.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, Debra, it's amazing how prisoners can find a way.

Boud, yes, I have. I'll see if I can copy it onto my blog. It is excellent.

Ann said...

That's a pretty cool puzzle. Looks like it would be difficult.