Thursday, September 28, 2023

Do better, BBC!

For the second time in a week I have complained to the BBC.

I held on to my faith in the BBC long after most people but these days I get my news from what is trending on Twitter.

Last week there was a huge Rejoin march (in favour of rejoining the EU we should never have left). Although the march was covered by just about every world media including China's there was no mention of it on the BBC. 

So I complained.

Now this week the vile woman who is our Home Secretary made a speech in which she claimed that some people, ". . . come to the UK, they purport to be homosexual in the effort to get special treatment." She also claimed that "simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination" is not sufficient reason to qualify for protection. In spite of the fact that in many countries homosexuality still carries the death penalty.

Her speech has been condemned by, well, every decent person, but also by the UN. Again I've not been able to find it mentioned on the BBC website. So I complained.

I am becoming that old lady who sits and writes stroppy letters to authorities. Not a bad thing to be I think.


Boud said...

Good for you. Alas, the BBC has long been a paid for subsidiary of the Tory party.

Debbie Nolan said...

Liz thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. It is so nice to makes friends across the ocean. I am sure you are not alone in wanting to complain about the news...seems like no matter what country you live in the media is in charge of what gets publicized. Makes me wonder why we listen to the news :)! Have a great day.

Tasker Dunham said...

BBC television news seems too much about rating and advertising programmes to be shown later. It does seem afraid to upset the government, so it was quite surprising to see that they broadcast the Laura Kuensberg State of Chaos programmes.

Marie Smith said...

Well done! The complaints were deserved.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Keep your pencil sharp and postage handy! Or, it being the 21st century, I suppose you complain to the BBC via email.

Anvilcloud said...

Your complaints seem reasonable, so good for you.

PipeTobacco said...

I applaud your willingness to write and complain about those issues with the BBC!

Unfortunately perhaps, for those of us in the United States….. the general news agencies we have are extremely myopic, so for us the current BBC World Service (what we can obtain) still IS tremendously more broad and full and rich a news source compared to what we typically have available. Even our best news source (IMO this is NPR) is myopic in comparison to the BBC.

So, while I understand and agree with your assessment…… I still am glad I CAN get the BBC that we have available.

Truth-be-told….. I also wish we in the states had access to much of your various BBC non-news channels as well….. they sound wonderful.
