Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Cows to the left of me, sheep to the right

Here I am stuck in the middle with Louie.

The weather-men were forecasting thunder, lightning and very strong winds so I took Louie through the fields thinking it would be more sheltered. Second field we got to was full of sheep. Even with Louie on a lead I wasn't happy about walking through so headed for the golf course instead. 

"At least I can put my poo bag in the bin." Except it was surrounded by cows. 

We made it safely to Three Cliffs beach.

And walked back along the valley.

This looked like the least steep way back up.

Halfway up the hill - correction sand dune, and we all know what it's like walking up sand - I stopped to catch my breath and get a different angle on Three Cliffs.
The rest of the way up I was stopping every five steps to breathe and tell myself, "You can do it!"

And it didn't even rain on us. 

GrandDaughter1 is now Covid positive too making three out of five in the house and the two males are both unwell too.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, sounds like covid is running rampant!

Boud said...

It's still definitely there. I hope your household escapes it.

Ann said...

That's some walk.
Sorry to hear about another one with covid. Hope they're all felling better soon.

Marie Smith said...

Hope everyone recovers from Covid quickly and that you. Oth escape it.

Anvilcloud said...

You must be very fit.