Wednesday, September 13, 2023

And I'm back!

Home to the find the biggest spider in the world in our bath (BAD) and a letter from the cardiologist saying Husband's recent scans were fine so he doesn't need to see him for nine months (GOOD).

We've had a lovely time visiting family in Italy and I've loads of photos with which to bore you, but today is washing and weeding day first and foremost. The lovely weather they've been enjoying here in Swansea while we've been away has encouraged everything to grow especially the weeds.

I'll be back. Again.

P.S. Our bath is white.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, you didn't squish the Welcoming Committee, did you?

Liz Hinds said...

Certainly not, Debra. I am waiting for Husband to rescue and release him.

Boud said...

The wildlife also had a vacation, in your bathroom.

Marie Smith said...

Welcome back!

Ann said...

Not a very nice welcoming committee