Monday, August 14, 2023

Waiting for Pete

So I sat down to start writing my article but my head wasn't in it. I had loads of ideas when I was walking yesterday but can't remember them now.

So I did what any sensible person who's already been to exercise class today would do: some gardening. If you remember, a while ago, I cleared a bit of the back wall and Husband was displeased because it meant we were less private. Then he decided we'd go to the other extreme, get Pete the Tree Man in, take down the trees and put up a fence. 

Ever since then we've been waiting for Pete to turn up when he promises. But inspired by the desire to find my sandal I thought I'd carry on clearing. 

No sandal but a sense of satisfaction. It would have been a greater sense of satisfaction if I could have found the fork and dug up some roots. But they're not going anywhere - except everywhere under the earth - so I'll try again tomorrow. Right now I have to make cakes for Zac's tomorrow and walk Louie.

And here's my latest new rose in flower. I'm hoping it will grow and cover the cable behind it.

And our first and so far only fig.

Let's hope I can 'write' my article while I'm walking.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a bountiful fig harvest! One more than produced by the fig tree that Jesus beat. Do you know that odd story from the Bible (sorry, don't know which gospel it's in). People have speculated for ever about possible meanings for it. Might make a good Bay article!

Liz Hinds said...

Now that's an idea, Debra!

Anvilcloud said...

Roses like that can be very tenacious. I tried hard to get rid of one by digging down a way. Years later, it was back and flourishing.

Ann said...

Pretty roses