Saturday, August 19, 2023

Waiting for God

Nearly ninety people served with food yesterday at Zac's and the day before it reached almost one hundred. Numbers seem to be going up every week. I had a little disagreement with the person serving at the window yesterday over the number of bananas she could give to an Asian woman who'd asked for five. She has family and children and only wanted bananas but the server insisted she could only have two. I took a bunch out to the woman.

Then yesterday evening we went out out. To see a play. 

Daughter-in-law has joined Swansea Little Theatre and was helping backstage for this production of Waiting for God. She thought we'd like it and we did. It's about two characters in a retirement home. Diana is the feisty ex-war photographer, while Tom likes to give the appearance of being a bit dotty - but really is anything but. We'd been fans of the television series when it came out in the 90s and, inevitably, it was hard not to compare performances. Most were very good though and there were some brilliant lines. I think my favourite came when Diana described Tom's son as, "a waste of a sperm."

Swansea Little Theatre has a long history. It was set up in 1924 and Dylan Thomas was one of its members in the 30s. Thomas' grandson, Huw Ellis, and Sir Anthony Hopkins are joint presidents of the company.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The series "Waiting Fof God" played for years on PBS in the USA/Canada but I never watched it.

Liz Hinds said...

It is very entertaining, Debra. Great characters.

Boud said...

The actor who played Diana was perfect!

I wonder if the serving lady grew who in the postwar period when bananas first came back and you could have two, no matter how many people in your family. My mom queued for two hours to bring home our two, first I'd ever seen and put them on the mantelpiece for a day for everyone to admire before we shared them. Big family, about one bite each!

Boud said...

Grew up, that is!

Liz Hinds said...

Boud, no, I think her motives were far less charitable than that.

Anvilcloud said...

I very much want to add an Oh! to your title. 😎