Thursday, August 17, 2023

The art of conversation . . .

is not one I've mastered yet.

When Husband used to walk George he would come back and tell me all the gossip he'd heard from various dog-walkers he'd meet on his way. "You know, the woman with a bun and poodle who won at Crufts?"
I have no idea about  whom he's talking.

I can manage to return 'good morning' or 'hello' but if the speaker then makes another comment I panic. 
"Lovely day again."
"Um yes," then because I think that sounds too abrupt I repeat, "yes, lovely."

Then again when I do 'make conversation' it usually turns out that I really shouldn't have. Like the other day when a dog growled at Louie. I said, "I'd growl too if someone sniffed my bottom."

Almost certainly shouldn't say these things to complete strangers.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your conversational skills sound delightful to me!

Anvilcloud said...

To me, that sounds like the right thing to say. 😊

Abby said...

I'd say you're telling it like it is!

Marie Smith said...

Lol, Liz. I’d love to take a walk with you!

Ann said...

Your conversational skills are equal to mine. I think we could get along just