Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Queen or crazy?

I wish you could have smelled this rhubarb and white chocolate cake when it came out of the oven. It was deeeeelicious!

But cake and biscuits and the like have all contributed to my belly bulge. I went into town after cooking this morning and, as I have holes in my favourite shorts, decided to try some on in M&S. As I waited to go into the fitting room I said to the assistant, "Now to find out if I can get into my usual size."

I couldn't. And this was M&S who like to keep their customers happy by being generous with the sizing.

Well, I could get into them but there was at least half of me hanging out. It was rather disgusting. I refuse to go up a size so will continue wearing my holey shorts and loose dresses. I tell myself it's more important to be fit and healthy than to be slim. 

* * * * *

Funny sort of weather today. Cloudy but warm and a tiny bit drizzly. I think I'll go and do a little gardening now. My dreaded enemy, convolvulus, is taking over again.

* * * * *

Grandchildren around yesterday and while the boys ran rampant upstairs, GrandDaughter2 did some knitting, I did some colouring, and GrandDaughter1 watched films. First one was The Princess Diaries in which Julie Andrews play the Queen of somewhere.

"She reminds me of you," GrandDaughter1 said. 

Then we watched Moana. There's a bit where the slightly batty grandmother dances on the beach.

"She reminds me of you too," GrandDaughter1 said.

* * * * *

But there must be something about me that says teacher as last night in Zac's one of our newer friends said, "You remind me of my primary school teacher."

He's not the first person to ask if I used to be a teacher to which I reply, "Good grief no!"

I have great admiration for teachers. I could no more control a class of five-year-olds than I could control my dog. I think what he meant was that I was female and old which is what I remember all my teachers being. No offence to teachers but I think it's what most children probably see.


Anvilcloud said...

I wear trousers lower than I used to. 😄

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, if only desserts and treats were calorie free! Life is so unfair.

Boud said...

Kids do assume their teachers are old. I remember being amazed when two of my teachers married each other, surely they were too old? They were probably late 20s.

Ann said...

I've been wearing nothing but leggings and exercise pants. I don't own any pants with a zipper and I refuse to try any on and find out just how really fat I've gotten.

Marie Smith said...

Those shopping trips are hateful! I rarely do them any more! Ignorance is bliss.

Kathy G said...

Rhubarb and white chocolate seem to be a regular ingredient combination lately. I never would have thought about putting the two of them together.

Liz Hinds said...

Good decision, AC.
It is, Debra, completely unfair.
Same here, Boud. Teachers are too old to marry!
That's what I was trying to do, Ann, not find out, but GrandDaughter was scathing about my holey shorts.
Ignorance is bless, you're right, Marie.
They work well together, kathy.