Thursday, August 24, 2023

Packing and re-packing

Two days ago I sorted out the clothes for my holiday. Today I've been through them again and taken out half of the 'just in case' items. If that number of catastrophes overtakes us I'll have more to worry about than what to wear.

Knickers not included of course. As I've said before, it's impossible to pack too many knickers. Or books. I'm not going to have time to read all of these but it's best to be prepared. I don't like taking library books on holiday 'just in case' so this is the result of a trawl of second-hand books.

One serious/literary, two frothy, one memoir, and The Furious Longing of God to be reread at leisure. Unfortunately I can't read books in the car but I can read on my tablet so I'd better make sure I have something on there ready for the long journey ahead.

The car is laden - and I thought we didn't have so much to take this time - so I'm hoping there's room for me in the morning.


Marie Smith said...

Safe travels, you two! Enjoy!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have a good journey and a wonderful vacation!

Ann said...

I've always hated packing for a trip. Have fun

Boud said...

Safe journey, and have a great vacation

Kathy G said...

Have a great trip!

Anvilcloud said...

Just thinking ...
One tablet = Many books
Have a nice holiday

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We will also be leaving for an extended trip at the start of Sept and I agree that library books are never taken along even on the shorter ones. I try to load the Kindle with as many downloads as the library allows (3) so I will have a variety of choices. While I enjoy audio books when at home, I only download and listen to on a longish car trip when my husband is the driver. Sending safe travel wishes to you!