Saturday, August 19, 2023

Not expecting much

We've settled down for a long afternoon of rugby. Wales versus current World Champions South Africa, followed by England against Ireland.

I am anticipating two defeats for our teams (Wales and England). Husband is more hopeful. And indeed for a very brief period in the first half Wales led by 6-5 and my hopes actually began to rise. That didn't last long, at half-time the score is 9-24. I always say the worst thing about being a Wales supporter is the hope.

As I have said before, this is very much a new young Welsh side - even newer and younger than before as several of the more experienced players are injured or resting. Or not being put at risk just ahead of the World Cup because the South African is notoriously brutal. Having said that we haven't seen that side. They've been too busy showing us their speed, skill and ability by running in tries. hey ho. 

We are mostly trying to spot Elder Son and two grandsons in the crowd having taken advantage of cheap tickets for children. 

From their viewpoint


Boud said...

Where's this being played?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't that them on the upper right side at the top?

Ann said...

Good luck with finding them in that crowd.