Wednesday, August 16, 2023

First thing is when I say it is

Elder Son messaged me about 8.30 this morning to ask when I was walking Louie because he'd come with Toby. I said I planned to go first thing.

Elder Son: I think you've missed first thing!

I explained that first thing to me is nine o'clock; some people might disagree. But I possibly chose my shoes unwisely.

Fortunately my new Birkenstocks arrived before I had to go out again.

Complete with chilli-stained foot.

* * * * *
There was a bit of rugby controversy over a tackle in the World Cup warm-up England versus Wales game on Saturday. A decision to red card an English player was made meaning he would face a disciplinary hearing and could expect to be banned for any number of games. When the committee met they overturned the red card. 

Just about everyone, including an ex England coach is up in arms over the committee's decision.

Everyone except one current England coach and Husband.

He tells me I'm biased because I'm Welsh. I tell him he's biased because he's English. He says, "Yes, but I like to think I can make unprejudiced judgements."

We have agreed not to discuss it any further.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What's "first thing" mean to your son? The crack of dawn?

acorn hollow said...

First thing meaning has changed since I retired lol. Love the color of your new shoes

Boud said...

My brother used to refer to the crack of noon.

Abby said...

I guess "first thing" is a very subjective term.
"unprejudiced judgements" - easier said than done!

Ole phat Stu said...

SIX left toes?

Cop Car said...

"First thing" = o'dark thirty which is usually about 5:30am around here. However, I should think that each of us gets to decide our definition of "first thing" as it should somewhat correlate to our sleeping/waking habits.
