Wednesday, August 02, 2023

And Zac's is back

Last night I discovered mules don't have waterproof coats. I also heard rather more than I needed to about heroin distribution, and the power of the gypsy gangs. And we were only supposed to be talking about favouritism.

Zac's is well and truly back!

Since lockdown we've retained our regulars but, even after returning to our own building, we weren't seeing the same number of drop-ins and very damaged people. That is beginning to change. Last week and last night we've enjoyed the more disruptive bible study that we used to have.

That might sound strange but it means we're getting to people who otherwise would have nowhere, nowhere they'd feel safe to share their very real fears and sorrows. It's brilliant. 

The final line of the section we were looking at last night says this: mercy triumphs over judgement. Wonderful words and very apt for one of our guests last night. It wasn't received well but I hope a seed was planted.

Hat tip to the whole group who listened, were attentive, and offered support in the face of anger.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds challenging.

Kathy G said...

Zac's sounds like quite the place to be.

Cop Car said...

Good news, that!

Boud said...

It sounds as if you really get Zac's and its participants. Do you, too, feel it's a special place where you can speak freely?

Ann said...

I hope the message did get across.