Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Weed Hunter to the Rescue!

Rather taken with Debra's idea for my superhero personna.

Taking back my words on the MP's wife though. As her diary draws to a close - or at least the book does - she's showing her true colours. Thoroughly dislikeable. She declares Johnson to be all the things we know - liar, cheat, egotist - and still votes for him and supports him. She writes very disparagingly too of her local Conservative party, the ones who do the leg work and fund-raising and supporting of her husband in his role. Her husband, on the other hand, seems quite amiable.

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Why is it that when someone says something a bit negative I take it on board and trip down Misery Lane while another person saying lovely complimentary things I dismiss as, "Well, she's got to say that."

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I woke up this morning with my middle right finger hurting. I am used to my pointy fingers being painful but this is a new one. I put the previous ache down to RSI after peeling and chopping onions, carrots, celery, peppers ad infinitum. I don't really do anything with my middle finger except type. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad you liked my superhero suggestion! I use my middle finger for a lot more than typing, especially when driving, lol.

Anvilcloud said...

Conservative politicians and supporters are perplexing beings.