Tuesday, July 25, 2023


That's a phrase I often find myself using when gardening. In an "oops-a-daisy, I didn't mean to pull that up" way.

Not that I've been gardening as such. I went to hang out the washing and got distracted by weeds. All this rain has made our garden grow but not in the right places. There are very few things in life that get me quite as riled up as convolvulus. I'm normally a placid sort of person - no, really I am even though I occasionally rant on here, this is my escape pod - but the way it shoots up, wraps itself around my roses and raspberries, and then hides itself so completely behind brambles, just makes me positively murderous.

Today, in a break from our current weather, is warm and sunny - that said, it has just clouded over - so I stripped our bed this morning and have the sheet on the line to prove it.

(A cat has just walked across the front garden. He looked very angry and was moving his tail in a "There's a been a dog here" sort of way.) 

Tell me why, when it must be 50/50, I always put the sheet on the wrong way first time.

There is a cat in this picture, honest.


Anvilcloud said...

I( am familiar with it but I think I just say oops.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think your superhero persona should be The Convolvulus Hunter, complete with a wide-brimmed gardening hat and a full set of weed-pulling trowels as your weapon of choice. Your catchphrase? "Oops-a-daisy, punk. Make my day."

Boud said...

The cat's playing gate post.

Cop Car said...

Fitted bottom sheets are nice, but they drive one crazy. On many beds, the length of the bed is very nearly the same as the width. Of course it's hard to tell which way the sheet goes. My brother once mentioned to me that one of the top (flat) sheets on our guest room bed (in which he was staying) was on crosswise. I told him not to worry about it.