Sunday, July 23, 2023

My first time

Trying to work out if, while flossing last night, I knocked out a piece of tooth. It seems unlikely but I don't know what else the hard jagged bit of something could be.

* * * * *

Talking to someone yesterday reminded me of my early days in Zac's.


I've just spent some time scanning my blog to find out when that was. Ta dah; Tuesday October 3rd 2006.

It was scary. Walking in past various homeless individuals or those with mental health issues, coming face to face with several big burly bikers leaning on the counter. It's a wonder I ever went back. 

So many faces no longer with us. Too many early deaths.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, nearly 16 years at Zac's! That's quite a record of volunteerism and service!

Anvilcloud said...

I have had a molar inlay pop out twice. They’ve managed to jam it in both times, but next time will probably require a fresh filling. The two indigents were years apart, and it has been years since the last one, so . . .

Boud said...

That's the sad thing about people struggling, that they don't get what we think is s proper lifespan. You're wonderful to be serving for all those years.

Kathy G said...

Glad you didn't let your initial fears make you turn away.