Saturday, July 22, 2023

Me and the weather are both under it

Several planned local events for today have been postponed because of the anticipated bad weather. It certainly looks unpleasant out there but as I'm feeling a bit ropey - dry and snuffly - and had a disturbed night last night, I plan on doing nothing today anyway!

Except maybe binge-watch Grey's Anatomy this afternoon.

Husband has volunteered to go to Sainsburys, mainly because we have no food in the house. I'm not turning that offer down.

* * * * *

I just love this climbing rose so much. It's called Wollerton Old Hall and it's just perfect in shape and colour and also seems to be a vigorous grower. I'm sure the scent is perfect too. I've posted photos of it before but on a gloomy day like today what could be better?


Boud said...

The rose is lovely, and I hope you feel better soon.

acorn hollow said...

Sorry you are feeling under the weather. For once our weather this weekend does not include rain.
If that is a grocery store I would let my husband go too

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Feel better soon, Liz!

Kathy G said...

I was at the botanical garden yesterday and noticed the rose garden was really past its prime. It's nice to know they're still blooming in your part of the world.

Anvilcloud said...

There you are, watching American tv when I pretty well only watch British telly. 🤓

Janie Junebug said...

That is a lovely rose. I hope you feel better quickly.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I'm a bit late in blog reading this week, but hope you are feeling better. The rose would cheer me to look at it and hopefully it had the same effect for you.

Ann said...

Binge watching is a good thing to do when not feeling so well. Hope you're feeling better soon

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying you are better soon.

God bless.