Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Living on a barge

Now the government plans to house refugees seeking asylum in this country in barges.

When I read that my first thought was, "Well, that's not too bad and better than sending them to Rwanda." My second thought was, "But they won't get many on a barge."

That is genuinely what I pictured. Then I saw the actual barge.

Our evil government's plans for dealing with 'migrants' have been declared illegal and immoral by everyone from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the United Nations. But still they persist. 

From the UN High Commissioners for Human Rights and Refugees:
The Illegal Migration Bill, which has  been passed by Parliament in the United Kingdom, is at variance with the country’s obligations under international human rights and refugee law and will have profound consequences for people in need of international protection.

All about the Illegal Migration Bill here.

I think it is still theoretically possible for King Charles to refuse to sign the Bill. But with this government he might risk beheading. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Didn't Britain once have "convict ships" moored off the British coasts in which to house prisoners in cramped and inhumane conditions? Sounds like what's old is new again.

Boud said...

It's a prison ship. Ready for sickness, violence and despair. I've signed a number of petitions against the whole thing, rather hopelessly.

Ann said...

I don't think I would care to be housed in either one of those

Ole Phat Stu said...

Actually, Ann, narrow boat cruising on UK canals is rather fun.
We´ve done a couple of such vacations. Really slows you down and de-stresses you.

Anvilcloud said...

At least you're not in Texas where, supposedly, the order is to push children back into the Rio Grande. One hopes this isn’t true or that it will be stopped before it is implemented.

Liz Hinds said...

Anvilcloud, they'll be treating unaccompanied children in the same way, shuffling them off to wherever.