Monday, July 10, 2023

It's pronounced text

My heart monitor is having problems connecting to my phone. Usually it's while I'm exercising but today I couldn't get it to link even before I set off. In the car I asked Husband to have a look at it, see if he could fix it.

"I don't do tech support on the move!" he declared. At which point a little voice piped up, "It's pronounced text."

It was my phone! Not only listening to our conversation - that I can tolerate - but correcting, albeit incorrectly, our speech. Unforgivable. As I told it.

* * * * *

I recently saw a photo of some pink wild flowers. They were identified as loosestrife. When we were walking yesterday I saw some and while normally I don't think much of them - they're just a bit boring - I decided the name made them much more interesting and attractive.

On return home I checked their identification: they're not loosestrife. I think they're fireweed, although that's probably the American name*. And it's a good job they're not loosestrife because it's invasive and a bit of a baddie. 

*In this country it's known as rosebay willowherb, which is an even prettier name. "It quickly colonised burned ground after the bombing of London bringing colour to an otherwise grim area. It's also the official floral emblem of the Yukon territory in Canada." Unlike loosestrife it's hugely beneficial for local wildlife. You can eat it, it has medicinal properties, and the hairs from the seeds have been used as a fine clothing fibre.

Now aren't you glad you know that?


Marie Smith said...

It does look like fireweed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that cheeky phone!

Anvilcloud said...

Purple loosestrife must be an issue everywhere.

Your phone talks to you randomly? Occasionally, Siri or Alexa will say, “I didn’t catch that.”

Boud said...

Loose strife is well named. It's more than invasive, it's a monoculture meaning it overcomes native plants, resulting in a single bed, no nutrition for birds or the fish --around here they're waterside plants-- which relied on the pond plants and insects. It's literally a killer. Beautiful but..

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, Anvilcloud, completely out of the blue.
Yes, Boud, I read that loose strife was bad for everything. So pretty and so bad.

Ann said...

I've never had my phone talk to me let alone correct me. I wonder if it doesn't like me?