Thursday, July 27, 2023

How I spend my time

And just as mysteriously, when I get out of the shower, my finger is better. No complaints there.

Waiting for GrandDaughter1 to arrive for our day I decide to clean out the kitchen cutlery drawer. I seem to acquire cutlery. From Uncle, from the apartment, from children from when they were in university. As a result it's a real mish-mash, and I have enough to cater for a regiment. Husband and I both have our favourites, of course.

I'm a fan of the cream-handled old knives. I assume they're not made with ivory any more! I even bought a load from a car boot sale so fond am I of them.

And I was on the verge of dropping these (below) in the bin when a little voice said, "You might regret it one day."
I stopped, returned them to the counter and took a photo - always thinking about blogging. Realistically they've been gathering dust in the back of the drawer for years. The likelihood of discovering I need one of them is minute. So I will definitely throw them away. Now in a minute.

But these will definitely go. First into the dishwasher then to a charity shop.
It will create a lot more space in the drawer but a little pain in my heart.

P.S. I've just remembered what the thing that looks like the top of a hot water bottle stopped is, and I mustn't throw it. It's for pulling light bulbs out of inset fittings. I think. Something like that. It can, however, come out of the cutlery drawer and go in Husband's Man Tin.


Boud said...

I winnowed my cutlery drawer a while back and furnished a young freecycler's new apartment with all the cutlery he could use. Amazing how much more there was than needed.

Kathy G said...

Your donated extra cutlery will make a little money for a charity, keep them out of the trash, and help someone who needs them. Win, win, win.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That "Man Tin" is hilarious!

Ann said...

My forks have mysteriously gone missing. I am down abut half of what should be there. Knives and spoons seem to stay with me forever though.

acorn hollow said...

I cleaned out my "junk" drawer and what a relief it was things kept getting stuck so you couldn't open the drawer all the way.