Monday, July 24, 2023

Benefits of being poorly

1. You don't have to wear a bra.
2. You can spend all day reading/binge-watching.
3. Calories don't count.

* * * * *

Toby Dog and Stella Cat have arrived for their holiday at Granny and Grandad's. Their family is going to stay in London with Nanny and Granddad Twickenham. Nanny is having a particularly rough time health-wise at the moment but they're hoping she'll be out of hospital soon.

Her battle over the last year puts my snuffle into perspective. (Doesn't stop me feeling sorry for myself though.)

* * * * * 

Oh yes, I remember. When I was looking for dates on my blog yesterday I came across this little pome I wrote (plagiarised) in February 2006 about my old Beetle.

Shall I compare thee to a broken down car?
Thou art less rusty and more weathered:
Rough winds do shake the steering wheel sometimes,
And the bottom's pretty holey:
Sometime too hot the heating doth blow,
But more oft far too cold;
And every bit of welding declines,
By chance or holes in road;
But thy windscreen shall not crack
Nor lose possession of that windscreen wiper;
Nor shall Mercedes brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in lay-bys thou waitest for rescue:
So long as men can drive or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.

Betty Beetle and Alfie Porsche back in 2006. Betty is long gone but Alfie is still with us. To be more accurate he's still in the repair shop and they seem to be making things worse.


Stu said...

Last week the odometer of my 944 broke. Whole new speedo unit needed. Expensive!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love your clever ode to Betty Beetle!

Janie Junebug said...

I love your "pome"! Shakespeare wished he had done as well. People would still be reading his work today . . . uh, yeah.


Anvilcloud said...

Who wouldn’t love to have Twickenhams in the family tree? What a fab name!

Boud said...

Sorry you're still under the weather. I hope you shake it soon.

Marie Smith said...

I like the “benefits of being poorly.” I am writing those down for future reference.

Abby said...

Good job looking on the bright side of being poorly.

Ann said...

I don't have to feel poorly to take advantage of those three benefits.
I like your poem.