Monday, July 31, 2023

Barbie and me

I suggested something to Husband and he said, "When I suggested that you gave me a dirty look!"
"I didn't."
"You did."

GrandDaughter1 sometimes says to me, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what? I'm not looking at you like anything. It's just my face!"

I must have resting bitch face.

Which is not something they have in Barbieland. There everyone smiles and is happy all the time. It is a matriarchy where girls can be anything they want to be and men are mere backdrop. 

I enjoyed Barbie. It's very pink and pretty and quite funny. It also rams home the feminist message. In fact it seemed to be saying a lot of other things too but I'm not entirely sure I picked up all the subtext.

A couple of minor grumbles.

The film has a 2001 Space Odyssey beginning that concludes with the arrival of Barbie and the smashing of baby dolls on rocks. A little unhappy with that image.

And it ends with equilibrium being restored in Barbieland and men being allowed a little more equality - but only a very little. I assume it's meant to reflect the slow progress women have made in their battle for equality but in an idealised world it felt that full equality for both sexes would have been a better conclusion.

It's certainly thought-provoking and entertaining.

I never had a Barbie. I don't think Daughter had one either. GrandDaughters2 and 3 have lots of Barbies, both being typical very girly girls, loving pink and unicorns and princesses. In fact GrandDaughter3 insists she is a princess.


Boud said...

I'm hearing some hilarious puzzled reactions from guys who evidently assumed little girls just did tea parties with barbies. No idea they were action figures! One of my friends reported her daughters had Barbie auto racing, climbing, rapelling, running track, etc.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm looking forward to seeing this satire as soon as it comes to a streaming service.

Abby said...

At first, I figured the Barbie movie was just fluff. But I'm hearing that it does have pretty strong messages while being quite funny, so maybe I'll check it out.
I had a Barbie doll, but not THE Barbie doll. Mine was brunette and had a job and travelled like all good brunettes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I must have had a deprived childhood as I never had a Barbie or Ken or anything similar and never felt that I needed one. I have seen previews of the current film, which doesn't hold any interest for me, except curiousity about all the fuss. if it's evern shown on Netflix in a few years, then I might succumb if I remember!.

Ann said...

I haven't seen the movie and I doubt I will. I've heard people liked it though

Anvilcloud said...

I also seem to have one of those faces. Daughter and grand went and enjoyed it.

Ole Phat Stu said...

"Barbie and I", surely?

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could be bothered to watch it. It's about a doll and her boyfriend doll. Know people who thought it was great , took their daughters ..why ? My friend's son and mate went to see it too