Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Aching like billy-o

A new version of rhubarb cake for Zac's last night. A rhubarb and white chocolate pound cake.

Munch, munch. "Is it apple?"
Munch, munch. "Peach?"
Munch, munch. "Pear?"

Still it went down well. At least it all went, though admittedly Graham had about eight slices.

* * * * *
The new exercise class I'm going to on Tuesday mornings is pretty intense. A warm-up followed by HIIT (high intensity) session followed by a circuit of sorts with rest periods of twenty seconds between exercises.

I stopped going to my Wednesday class partly because it wasn't intense enough: twenty active minutes out of an hour. I should be careful what I wish for.

I asked on Facebook if people exercised because they enjoyed it or because they thought they should. Most people seemed to have a love hate relationship with it. 

I don't like it. I definitely go because I think I should but all things being equal I would much rather sit down with a book. Part of the problem is that when I go I have to push myself, do the very best of which I am capable, and end up sweaty and tired.  I could take it easy but there's no point and I feel good at the end. But before and during, no. And currently, the day after, very much no as my buttocks and inner shoulders ache like billy-o. (That's another phrase you don't hear very much.)

One woman did suggest I should find an exercise I enjoy. She recommended pilates and walking. I don't consider walking as exercise and when I've tried pilates in the past it's been too passive. Maybe I was doing it wrong though.


Marie Smith said...

Walking does me. Life’s too short for that high intensity stuff is what I tell myself.

Janie Junebug said...

Walking and yard work do it for me. Walking is great because I walk with a beloved dog. The yard work can get to be pretty high intensity because it's more than just mowing the lawn.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I was unsuccessful last weekend in finding rhubarb at the farmers market. I'm going to a different one this weekend where the Hutterites have a table. I'm counting on them to have some!

Boud said...

I find walking and free weights quite enough, and I don't hate it during, a big point. The cake looks good, but the rhubarb would give me pause. I expect I'd soldier on and eat my share, though.

Anvilcloud said...

I am missing the seniors exercise classes that used to take place in our town.

Ann said...

oh that looks delicious.

Kathy G said...

True Pilates will kick your butt!