Sunday, July 16, 2023

A bit like exercise class

Because several people were away I've done an extra food shift in Zac's this week and, as a result, I've been quite tired and brain-dead! You wouldn't think an extra few hours would make such a difference. I'm doing it again next week so prepare for more lethargy.

Last night though I rallied myself and went to a barbecue. My feelings about social events mirror my thoughts on exercise class: I never want to go but always come back pleased that I went.

It's no reflection on the people I'm meeting, more of a "I can't be bothered to go out and have to talk to people" attitude. I'd like to blame lockdown but I've always been like this.

Anyway, last night's barbecue was excellent. The hosts were a young couple who live in a caravan in the woods. The threatened weather put a lot of people off so we were few in number but the company was very good. And the food was great.

There were some quite intense conversations, and lots of interesting ones. But this morning I woke up with such a headache you'd have thought I'd been drinking all night when all I had was an orange juice and water!

Now this morning, having taken some paracetamol, I'm off to "Monty's church". Monty is one of the study leaders in Zac's but he also leads a 'proper' church. One that starts on time. So I'd better move.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looks like a great spread of food!

acorn hollow said...

Wow great spread of food. You said intense conversation but it sounds like you enjoyed your evening

Abby said...

Your exercise class analogy is fully relatable.
"a young couple who live in a caravan in the woods" - how cool is that?!

Ann said...

I'm the same but except I'm not always happy that I went.