Monday, July 03, 2023

A 2-Barbecue Weekend

The first was late-planned, the second impromptu. I love having family meals together. Just missing our Italian gang. Ah well, be grateful for what I have! 

One minute they were there, the next minute gone. The gooseberries that is.

Either someone climbed in over the gate - always kept padlocked since Husband's bike was stolen from the garage - which now is double-locked - or, more likely, the birds devoured them all. They didn't miss a single one. From a wonderful crop not one gooseberry left for us.

It used to be the blueberry bush they stripped and I thought gooseberries were too sharp for them. Obviously not. As it happens we still have a freezer-load of gooseberries from last year. They're Husband's favourites but I'm not so keen. And we still have an over-abundance of rhubarb when it comes to making crumble.

And we've finally got the plaque up.

As well as two barbecues I enjoyed a lovely walk by the river with Elder Son, family and Toby.

The peace of the riverside stroll was bracketed between walks to the beach to watch the Typhoon (Eurofighter) and the Red Arrows. While I realise their purpose, at least the purpose of the RAF is, largely, to cause damage and kill people while defending us or others, the engineering of the planes and the skill of the pilots is incredible. Yes, and it's bad for the environment, I know.

Also buried GrandSon3 up to his chest in sand and made a sand jet ski so not all warlike.


Boud said...

I'm surprised you need to lock up. Where I live nobody ever locks their outdoor storage. Neighbors may need to get in to borrow things.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Awwww, George's plaque!

Anvilcloud said...

Seems like a fine 4th-weekend outing.

Ann said...

How rude of those birds to not leave a single gooseberry.