Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Squatting on my laurels

With the enthusiasm that comes from a good day I've submitted a novel to a publisher. I should really have rested on my laurels having been to exercise class, made rhubarb and custard muffins and done the ironing, but it's gone now.

My last submission, according to my records - which may or may not be accurate - was in 2022. Two subs then, neither received a reply.

The very first time I submitted a novel to an agent I fully expected a speedy "Yes!" response. Today, I shall forget about it and think of nicer things.

Having depressed myself I shall go and read for a bit before dinner.

Incidentally exercise class this morning was v. hard. It works on the forty second exercise followed by twenty second rest rule. As it takes me about fifteen seconds to get up off the floor, by the time I've moved on to the next stage in the circuit it's time to work again. And forty seconds might not seem very long but, believe me, when you're doing a wall squat it's endless.


Terra said...

Congrats on submitting a novel. When I was actively writing and being published a practice I followed was to keep my writing out before publishers, in that way I had more than 1,000 articles published. I submitted books to many appropriate publishers but no acceptances. It is hard isn't it? But rewarding. I did co-author two published books. Your exercises sound good for your health, keep up the good work.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's like the lottery -- you can't win if you don't have a ticket. So keep submitting those manuscripts! Good luck!

Boud said...

Definitely keep sending. Then getting on with your life while writing the next. I agree with Terra that you have to keep on keeping on. I found back in the day when I had a lot of freelance features published, back when there were mags to publish in, that I had a couple of dozen pieces in circulation all the time. As editors got to know me, all spec, no agent, they'd start accepting, knowing they could count on more. They like to know you're serious!

I published two books with a co-author, but my solo books, no, nevah!

Ann said...

I agree with what Debra said.

Marie Smith said...

Good luck with the manuscript! Don’t give up!

Anvilcloud said...

When I was a wee lad, and my teachers exhorted us to not rest on our laurels, I think I pictured them as buttocks. I am reminded of that when you link them with squats. 😀

Janie Junebug said...

You can get up in 15 seconds? Takes me about 15 hours--accompanied by much moaning and groaning--so I'm impressed by your speed.


Kathy G said...

At a previous gym the teacher would have the entire class get into a wall squat position, then tell us to chat with our neighbor to make the time go by faster. It didn't.

acorn hollow said...

Wishing you great success with your book. I am trying to exercise daily but i prefer walking and we have a lot of rain! So I have done a bit inside

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Wishing you the best of success vs. luck on your novel submission, Liz. I have seen that exercise, but rather pretended that I did not as is most likely something I would not get up from easily, so am staying vertical and walking almost daily on a treadmill.