Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Here's my latest article for Bay magazine.

Unless we change our minds I think we're going to be spontaneous this evening and go out for steak.

Almost finally, I was also disappointed in Wild Mind from Natalie Goldberg. I loved her Writing Down the Bones but Wild Mind was a Zen too far for me.

As our rhubarb is rapidly taking over the garden I made some rhubarb and custard muffins for Zac's yesterday. 

For complicated reasons - testing a theory - I'm trying to avoid gluten at the moment so I had to settle for rhubarb and custard.

And just getting in before the end of Pride month.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I have not ever sampled rhubarb-custard muffins, yours did look rather tasty. In the [past I have had strawberry rhubarb pie but admittedly it was never a favorite compared to blueberry or apple.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love your Pride shirt! Beautiful!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I love muffins.

God bless.

Boud said...

This is the second blog today where I've posted, seen it published and now it's gone! I also admired your shirt!

Marie Smith said...

Great Pride shirt, Liz!

Boud said...

Different try, different comment: on your Bay article ref Peter and Paul, who share a feastday on June 29th, it's always struck me as an eccesiastical joke to make two people with a poor opinion of each other, oil and water, share a day! It's like, here, fight it out!

Polly said...

One of my book club ladies made rhubarb and chocolate cake, it was delicious.

Ann said...

I've never had a rhubarb muffin but it sure looks tasty.

Anvilcloud said...

You asked about elementary school here. It goes to gr8, which means that grads are 13-14 years old. That’s the basic situation., but here in our area gr 7&8 actually learn in the same building as gr 10-12.