Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Pests and dead bodies

Thank you all for your encouraging comments re my book. We'll see.

Anyway this morning I would normally have been cooking in Zac's but as things stand I may never cook again, there or anywhere.

I did a Food Hygiene course (online) this morning. We, that is Zac's, have been notified that we are due for a visit from the Hygiene Inspector for the first time since the beginning of the century so we're doing all we can to make it as painless as possible.

I passed the test (96% since you asked) and I had to chuckle over a couple of things For instance, one sign that you have a pest infestation is a dead body. It doesn't specify whose.

And secondly, the recommended temperature to which foods have to be reheated is 75 - unless you're in Scotland when it's 82. I assume that's because Scotland is further north and we all know that water boils at a higher temperature at the seaside. Or something like that.

Their description of the perfect kitchen layout made me laugh out loud as you'll understand if you remember the photo I posted of Zac's kitchen. Cat and swinging come to mind.

All excellent advice/law of course but rather terrifying. How nobody has died from my cooking/cooling/storing/reheating processes I will never know.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope Zac's passes the inspection!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I also hope the inspection goes well, admittedly I did get a lauch out of your last sentence, Liz, because unless a ghost returns you will never know. That said, it's highly unlikely that anyone died and that their spirit would return to Zac's.

Ann said...

We get a yearly inspection where I work. Personally I find most of their rules a bit outrageous but we have no choice but to follow them. I'm just glad I don't have to follow them at home.

Boud said...

Most of my comments aren't staying put even after I see them published. Can you check your spam file??