Tuesday, May 09, 2023

I've done it!

So I've done some writing! 

The exclamation point i meant to convey that it's a rare thing to happen. Although I began a new novel ages ago I'd stopped writing it - why? I don't remember? Christmas maybe, general busyness? I don't know - and the longer I was leaving it the harder it became to pick it up again. 

I heard Lee Child, the author, on the radio the other day. He had set himself a day to start on his new novel and duly turned up in his office on that day at the time he'd specified, and began. Okay, so it's his job but I will never be one - a professional successful best-selling author -  if I don't write.

So this morning I sat down at the computer and after reading everything I could find about the Royal Family, golden retrievers, and a 100 ways to procrastinate, I began.

Fiction witing is a strange thing. I read over one bit I'd written and thought, "That's a dreadful thing to happen," then remembered I'd made it up. It was dreadful in a good moving way I felt. But I have no idea where ideas come from.

The characters in the dog-walking club for example, where did they come from? I don't remember sitting down and planning who should be there or what dogs they should have. Or how their story would work out. They told their own stories.

Even bits I was adding this morning came out of nowhere. I don't consciously think of possibilities; it just happens. Which is very odd. I wonder if they've done research into where ideas come from. I could google it now - but, no, I'll go back and do some more imagining. 

Writers are commonly divided into planners and pantsers i.e. those who just wing it. I very much fall into the latter category.


Boud said...

Please continue winging it. Editing is far down the road.

Marie Smith said...

Glad you started again. That’s a huge step! Keep going!

Ann said...

Glad to hear you were writing. Winging would work for me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I am impressed and amazed by anyone who can write fiction. My head is seemingly devoid of such imagination and any ability to create characters or plots. Unless it's fatuous throwaway nonsense concerning HRH the cat.

PipeTobacco said...

Your writing your novel again is exciting! I am glad!!!!!
