Sunday, May 14, 2023

A bit more mayoral

 I forgot to include the photo. I meant to take more but got distracted.

We were in the rather lovely drawing-room with big bay windows and French doors opening to look out over the garden. It was a beautiful evening so it was very 'I could enjoy living in a place like this!" With staff to do all the work obviously.

Although in some towns the Mayor is elected and has some authority, in Swansea it's a reward for long service as a councillor. And during the year the Lord Mayor doesn't do any of his council work - that was shared out between his Lib Dem colleagues on the council.

And the Lady Mayoress does get a clothes allowance! But they both said they couldn't keep up with the constant engagements for much longer.


Ann said...

Yes, living in a place like that would definitely require people to take care of it. I'll take all the luxury without any of the work.

Liz Hinds said...

Yep, me too, Ann.