Monday, February 27, 2023

How have I not heard of this before?

Pam on her blog says she went cardio drumming. Exercising and drumming? Wouldn't that just be the best?

It may not be too late for me to join Gogol Bordello. Except. The only classes I can find are in England. But what England does this week we do next year so maybe. It's recommended for old people and done a lot in care homes in America apparently. (Sitting on chairs I think.)

However there are lots of online videos like the above that people can follow at home. All I need is a medicine ball, drum sticks and a 3-legged stool or similar to balance the drum on. Oh, I can see what I'll be asking Father Christmas for this year.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Go for it and have fun!

Boud said...

Cool combo. I think I'd need a slower version. That speed is okay for kids in their seventies.

Ann said...

Well that looks pretty fun.

Kathy G said...

How cool!

sparklingmerlot said...

This is my kind of exercise. I shall see if it has made it to Australia.

Jeanette said...

I have heard of cardiac drumming. It looks interesting! I should check for any classes around here!