Thursday, January 05, 2023

Young men and me

In Zac's on Tuesday from where I was standing Sean was blocking my view of someone - I could only see the legs. I peeped around and exclaimed, "Oh, it's you! I didn't recognise you with your trousers on."

Much hilarity. But he always wears shorts - except last Tuesday.

That's him on the left, last month.

I was reminded of this incident in the gym this morning. 

I was wiping down some equipment I'd just used when a young man approached me and said, "Have you finished with that?"
I gave him the bottle of disinfectant spray while wondering why he wasn't using the other one that was there. Then it struck me. 
"Oh you mean this equipment?"

He laughed. He might not have done if I'd given him the used tissue as well.


Marie Smith said...

Lol. Always an adventure, Liz!

Ann said...

Would have loved to see a picture of the young mans face if you had handed him the tissue as well.

Janie Junebug said...

I often don't recognize men when they wear clothes. Uh, yeah.
