Saturday, January 21, 2023

whistling grins hormones

I've just notice a typo in my previous post that results in the opposite of what I meant. Maybe it was a Freudian slip? No, I won't go there. That could lead me down all sorts of wormholes.

What I wrote: I can't safely say there is no chance of me suddenly deciding to be known as Devonald, my middle name.

What I meant: I can safely say there is no chance of me suddenly deciding to be known as Devonald, my middle name.

(Devonald was part of my father's name.)

* * * * *

Another beautiful but very cold day here again. Football pitches frozen so games cancelled. A win for grandparents who don't stand like standing in the cold but disappointing for GrandSon1 who hasn't had a match since before Christmas.

I appreciate that what I describe as very cold is just a bit chilly for many of you but we don't get very low temperatures here. Thankfully.

* * * * *

Have you heard about

According to I am currently in the location of blue.coat.trees. (I've changed it to avoid publicising my address - I don't want to be mobbed when I become a best-selling author.)

Someone, and I picture a group of bespectacled slightly scruffy young men working late into the night, has given every three metre square in the world its own unique identifying three words.

Once upon a time I slept in a bedroom at whistling.grins.hormones, which could explain a lot.

Have a go. It's quite addictive. Not least because it's an obvious source choice for found poetry.


Boud said...

Interesting that I read that typo as you'd intended to say it. I think most readers are much less attentive than writers. In my case, that's often a good thing.

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the website heads up. It will probably show up at my place with a link back to yours. :-)

Ann said...

I never even noticed the typo.
Sounds like an interesting website. I'm off to see what my 3 words are.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Often wondered about my 3 words. Does it work on cellphones only? How do you get your 3 words on a PC at home? Can you then phone the emergency services and give them your 3 words instead of your address?

God bless.

pam nash said...

Hey there Liz - All is well here, thanks for checking. I haven't had much interesting or exciting going on over the past several months and that, along with a very annoying vision problem, has kept me off the computer and a little quiet. I have kept up a bit with the blogs I enjoy, including yours, so at my end I haven't completely lost touch. I do plan to try to get back in the swing of blogging. I tried a simple email response to your inquiry however it bounced back so I thought I just say 'Hi' here. BTW, I'd have said it the same (first version) way - made perfect sense to me!