Friday, January 13, 2023

Not the dog!

Thanks to Mimi, an ex-blogger and now FaceBook friend, who posted a picture of hers, I am now the proud owner of a new t-shirt.

I think I may need to design my own one that says something along the lines of "I killed my idiot-proof mushrooms."

If you recall I was given a grow-your-own mushroom kit for Christmas. I may be the first person in the world to fail. There's time yet but it's not looking hopeful.

In other news I have combined two recipes for a chicken tray-bake and fear the result may be the worst of all possible worlds. Cooking success this week has been mixed. A very nice mango salmon and an edible (but that's the best you can say) cod in curry sauce.

In between times I'm still going through my Google photos, deleting loads and saving those I want to keep in named folders. I came across this one, which could be deep and meaningful if you felt so inclined. Or just a nice photo of some sleepy sheep.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think that t-shirt would resonate with a lot of people, LOL! Also, condolences on killing your mushrooms.

Boud said...

My attempt at mushroom growing was a total fail. Followed all the instructions, to no avail. Ooh, a rhyme. I really wonder if the mushroom industrial complex has sabotaged the kits.

Ann said...

That shirt is perfect. I've read that saying before and couldn't agree more.