Monday, January 16, 2023

I need a punch bag

I feel full of punchy-ness. 

When someone causes pain to someone I love I want to punch them. But I'm not allowed to. (Husband says so. Police would probably agree.) So I need an alternative release. 

For a long time we had a punchbag in the garage. Someone gave it to us at some point. But a long time ago we passed it on elsewhere. Regretting that now.

Why are some people so horrid?


Boud said...

My late husband used to rise above it and feel sorry for them. I never manage that.

MaryB said...

The only reason I started baking my own bread was to spend quality time taking out my anger/frustration/ennui on dough. My dough is always well-kneaded. ;-) And I get to eat bread at the end of it. Hang in there, girl. Do what ya' gotta do. (And I have no idea why people are so horrid. One of life's mysteries.)

PipeTobacco said...

You might find punching a pillow helpful since your punching bag is no longer available.


Ann said...

I've come to the conclusion that some people just can't be happy unless they are making other people miserable. Hope you can find a way to vent your frustrations.

Janie Junebug said...

I've found that people who are insecure/ignorant tend to be the meanest. It doesn't excuse what they do, of course.
