Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Busy, busy, busy


GrandSon3's family birthday tea. Ate far too much very yummy food.


Day spent with GrandDaughter1. We went shopping and she told me what make-up to buy then when we got home she did a makeover on me.

Before and after (in case you're in doubt.)

Then she made me throw away all my (very) old make-up and she arranged my new make-up on my shelf. I told her to put it in the right order i.e. the order of application so I would remember.
Then we had Domino's pizza.

Back to exercise class for first time since November. Collected the new Frederik Backmann, The Winners, from the library. I asked the librarian if she'd read The Library Book*, the book I was returning. She said she hadn't been able to read anything since lockdown. Couldn't explain why but can you imagine that tragedy?

Helped transport children to the bowling alley for GrandSon3's birthday party. Found I'd been included on the bowling order. It's a definite advantage having the bumpers up! Even so I only just beat GrandSon3.

Weekly weigh-in showed I'd gained yet again. 

Skipped breakfast and met Vivien for tea and toasted teacake in Verdi's. We finished that - me feeling virtuous - and Vivien suggested we have ice cream as well. Well, we were in Verdi's. Had a simple kiwi sundae on the grounds it included fruit and therefore was acceptable.

Outside Verdi's was accosted by masked man. I say accosted; he said hello Liz. I peered blankly at him. Turned out to be old friend, Andy Dallas.

Having been reminded on the radio yesterday that old stamps will no longer be accepted by the Post Office after the end of this month I rummaged through my drawers/purse and found approximately twenty-five first class stamps. 
New stamps have a barcode alongside

Took them to Post Office to be told I have to send them away if I want to exchange them but that the deadline has been put back - forward? - to the end of July. Very little likelihood of me using even a small proportion of those stamps between now and then so will still send them away. I am of course assuming they exchange them for new stamps although that wasn't specified. Could be bags of buttons for all I know.

Now to make cakes for Zac's, do assorted stuff, and take off leggings I put on in attempt to look respectable for Verdi's. My need to breathe unimpeded is becoming more urgent.

Incidentally is flatulence a symptom of old age? It was always Husband who suffered thus but these days I could wind-power a small town.

*The Library Book by Susan Orlean tells the story of Los Angeles Central Library from its beginnings to the fire that almost destroyed it to the modern day phoenix. Lots of interesting vignettes along the way. The author's need to describe every person she introduced using flowery adjectives grated initially but if you can get past that it's worth reading. The questions remain to this day: was it arson? Was the most likely/only real suspect guilty?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You "could wind-power a small town," LOL? Maybe the government could pay you for your green energy technology!

Boud said...

I thought hot air was a Westminster monopoly!

Kathy G said...

If my schedule contained all of your activities I think I would bag them all and go take a nap.

Cop Car said...

Interesting that your postage stamps expire. AFAIK, there is no such event in the States. I still have 1 cent stamps (originally intended to send a postal card) and 3 cent stamps (standard 1 oz letter) from the 1940s/1950s. The kicker is that the face value of the stamp does not change, thus provides less and less of current postal requirements as years go by. I think that the 3-cent stamp would need another 54 cents worth of additional stamps to send the standard 1 oz letter, now. Fairly recently (16 years ago), the US Postal Service did institute the "Forever" stamp that is charged for at the prevailing rate but is good for sending a standard 1 oz letter - in perpetuity.

Ann said...

Love your before and after shot. I rarely bother with make up. I never notice much of a difference any way so why bother.
I'm still laughing about your comment "Could wind power a small town"...lol

sparklingmerlot said...

I find I am often jet propelled - as long as they are silent and not too offensive I don't mind.
Your before and after is lovely. Very subtle. Clever granddaughter.