Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Are you in goblin mode?

For the first time last year, in 2022, the public chose the Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year. (By the way this dates from November but I'm only just seeing it.)

And the word/phrase is 'goblin mode'. 

I know I'm no longer down with the kids but I've never heard this phrase. Not once. Have you?

It means, "a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations". Apparently it described the way many people began to live during lockdown - and the inclination to carry on living in that way.

I'm retired and quite anti-social so my behaviour/way of dress during lockdown wasn't really any different from it before or after. What about you? Are you in goblin mode?

Or do you feel as if you are living through a period of war, inflation, and political instability? In which case you are experiencing permacrisis, Collins Dictionary Word of the Year.

I think there should be an alternative Word of the Year for those of us in the older generation. A word or phrase that suggests the sense of disbelief one feels when reading about the latest ideas/antics/lies of our politicians. I propose 'sighshake', which would cover the inevitable shake of the head and the sigh of helplessness.


Ann said...

I can't remember where but I did read about that phrase on someone's blog. Now that I live alone it's easy to be self indulgent. I rather like it when everything is all about me :)
I think I like your word of the year for the older generation.

nick said...

I'd never heard the term goblin mode. It just seems to mean rebellious or anti-social or slobbish. And yes, there should be a word for the nonsense spouted by our politicians. Sighshake would do nicely.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I have heard of "goblin mode" but only relatively recently. It seems to me to simply be the latest slang term for "slacker." Being an occasional slacker has its charms, but as a continuous lifestyle, it would seem to be its own punishment after awhile.

Kathy G said...

I think your suggestion for an alternate word is perfect! Where do I sign up?

Boud said...

I've been hearing about this term, but I think it's a fad that the dictionary people fell for, trying to be relevant.

People who imagine the continual crisis we experience is new, just haven't been alive long enough in enough countries! In the history of the world it's Situation Normal.

That said, hm, a word for the older generation, the one still alive despite attempts to erase us, yes, that might be good. I like your suggestion, Liz.