Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A little zest

When I'm cooking in Zac's I have to park a few streets away in a three hour zone. This morning I couldn't find a place plus it was the worst of all possible weathers - sleety, freezing cold rain - so I parked opposite Zac's in the one hour zone. When I got in to the kitchen I set the timer to remind me to go and move the car later.

I was busy scraping and chopping and stirring when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find a policeman there.

Now you have to understand that all the following thoughts ran through my head in about three seconds.
1) They're here about my parking;
2) but they can't be here about my parking: I've still got ten minutes left;
3) and anyway how would they know it was my car and that I was here?;
4) And besides police don't check parked cars do they?

Obviously if I'd been at home rather than in Zac's my first thought would have been, "Oh, no, who's died?"

Anyway, nobody had died and they weren't interested in my car. A young homeless man had called them and said he was off to the marina to end it all and they were looking for him. Coastguards were searching the marina and police were visiting locations he might be. So tragic but I really hope it was a cry for help rather than a serious suicide attempt, and I pray the young man can find all the help he needs.

* * * * *
You may remember my failed attempts to find a lemon zester a few weeks ago.

On Saturday when GrandDaughter1 and I were shopping for make-up I noticed, in the same shopping centre, a Lakeland store. "Oh!" I grasped GrandDaughter1's arm. "We have to go there."
"What is it? Why do we have to go there?"
"Because I love it and if anyone will have a zester it will be Lakeland."

Reluctantly she accompanied me to the shop where I oohed and aahed over all the things I don't need but suddenly want. It's one of my favourite shops but not as good as the saucepan shop at the retail outlet park. There I stand in awe in front of beautiful pans of all shapes, styles and materials. I can only aspire to such beauty in my kitchen.

But we couldn't find a zester. in the end, because GrandDaughter1 was getting edgy I asked the assistant. She led me to a stand and pointed at these fine-holed graters. "Here they are," she said.
"No," I said, "I want one of those little yellow-handled ones with forky bits at the end like my old one."
She - and GrandDaughter1 - looked at me blankly. "Never mind," I said. 

With new resolution I came home and ordered one from Amazon. Along with some stainless steel baking trays like we have at Zac's because they're so good. And I will definitely throw out some of my old and rusty tins. I promise.


Boud said...

I bet any money you'll repurpose the old baking sheets, something garden related.

I hope they did find that poor young man. Such a terrible state of mind.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Forky bits at the end," LOL!

Terra said...

The quest for the zest. A success.

Kathy G said...

I hope in all of the excitement of the police visit you remembered to move your car.

Ann said...

Sad about the man, I hope they found him.
I think I've made promises like that before about buying new and getting rid of old.

Janie Junebug said...

I hope they found the man. He must have been terribly distraught. When I go in shops because I need a replacement for something great I bought 30 or 40 years ago, they often don't understand what I want and give me the blank look. Amazon doesn't judge me. Ebay is another good place to look for such items. I bought my stand mixer in about 1990. When something was wrong with the arm and the beaters would no longer stay in, I learned that the company no longer provided parts for the mixer. I went on ebay and found the arm for the exact mixer, ordered it, and it fit perfectly. So here I am in 2023 still using my ancient but reliable mixer.
