Monday, October 10, 2022

It's for the grandchildren

Thanks for your concern for Elder Son. He is fine in himself, not even in pain. It's just trying to get him to stay still and let the leg heal that is the problem for Daughter-in-law.

It was actually another player's knee that smashed into Elder Son's leg just below his knee. Certainly not intentional but, yes, some of the players took the game more seriously than others! Elder Son, on the other hand, is very laid back about everything.

* * * * * *

Sparklingmerlot asked about the chicken and how it turned out. Cue Cooking Fail 3.

So Thursday I put the chicken in the oven. The recipe said to start off with two hours at 100 degrees. At least that's what I read it as. 

One hour and forty minutes later I realised I'd misread it. What the recipe said was two hours at 140 degrees or gas mark 1. Which explained why the chicken looked so pathetic. 

I quickly turned up the heat, and in my anxiety to avoid under-cooked chicken ended up over-cooking it so it was a bit dry.

I think it would have been nice but not a lot different from normal roasted chicken. I'm not convinced the marinade had much effect.

* * * * * * 

In other news I have an appointment for my next covid booster and I've had my flu jab. (These are the things old people talk about, don't you know?)

I was in the chemist collecting Husband's prescription and asked when flu jabs were available. The chemist said, "I can do yours now."

Eek, I wasn't expecting that. I need to psych myself up for these things, but I couldn't very well run away then so done it was.

I'd previously collected the prescription from the surgery where there is a conker tree in the car park. I tell myself I collect them for the grandchildren but we all know that's not true.


Boud said...

I envy you the conkers. Beautiful and fun to play with too.

Marie Smith said...

Glad your son is doing well in spite of the injury. Good to have that jab done!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One and I had our own chicken cooking FAIL yesterday but a delicious apply pie made up for it!

sparklingmerlot said...

Thank you for the chook review! A shame it didn't work. Sounds like my kind of fail.