Tuesday, August 16, 2022

An easy mistake to make

I really must start writing things down every time I want to remember something!

Last week I noticed that a small publisher was open for submissions. I'd just received my latest rejection but was in the 'what the heck' mood so checked it out. The publisher requested a synopsis but also, very helpfully, gave a link to a guide to writing a synopsis.

At first I thought, I don't need that, I already have a synopsis, but I had a quick glance at it and realised their main suggestion was something I hadn't included. So began rewriting my synopsis with that mind. But, if you remember, last week was quite hectic so I put it to one side to be completed at a later date.

That time is now. 

I reworked my synopsis then went back to the publisher's website to check details of How To Submit. Imagine my horror when, on Boldwood Books Submissions page, I read: Sorry, we are closed for submissions.

Oh no! I'd left it too late. But surely they hadn't closed it that quickly. I checked their Facebook page for the original notice but couldn't find any trace of it. That just wasn't good enough. I decided I'd write to them indignantly - no, politely and pleadingly, saying I'd been unable to get my submission in in time - I'd even explain why if they needed it - and could they possibly make an exception. It suddenly seemed dreadfully important that I got it to them.

I was halfway through my begging letter when it occurred to me that it might have been on Twitter that I read it. I zipped over there, searched for Boldwood, which came up along with links to Bloodhound Books.

Something ker-plinked in my brain. I clicked on the link to Bloodhound Books and, yes, there it was, the open for submissions notice. Not only that but for three days it was running a #pitchmad thingy.

Now, however it asked for a 100 word synopsis. I headed back to my now-amended synopsis and a drastic cutting-down entailed. Then before I could think about it or dither or regret it I sent it off.

Why do I do this to myself?

But Boldwood/Bloodhound, an easy mistake to make. Just glad I didn't fire off my begging email to the wrong people.


pam nash said...

An easy mistake to make - but! your psyche did not fail and led you to the right site. Fingers crossed - positive answers!!

Boud said...

I'm very familiar with that I can not let this go urge. I suspect it's how all creative work gets done. Let's hope that Bloodhound or Boldwood or Goodwood or whoever the hell they are, comes through for you.

LL Cool Joe said...

As long as you got there in the end. Good luck I hope they are impressed with your writing skills!