Monday, July 25, 2022

"I know nothing"

Writing my next radio talk I find myself thinking about the devil. The devil in the details to begin with. If I'd thought about it at all I'd have said that was an ancient saying but, apparently it originated mid-twentieth century. Although nobody is vey sure.

Anyway that leads on to me writing the words, " . . . omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence." And I say it as I write it and think, "omni-pre-sence, omni-po-tence? Wait! Is that even a word?" Then I realise it's not omni-po-tence but om-nip-o-tence.

And I know I'm late coming to the party but did you see those images form the James Webb telescope? Wowsers! 

Scientists estimate there could be two trillion galaxies in the universe and some that we can see are as old as thirteen billion light years. 

I mean, just, wow!

And as a Christian I believe God holds all this in his hands, as well as knowing how many hairs are on my head. And that is when I have to go back to Jesus. If I look at universes and eternity and infinity I start trembling (not actually but my little head starts spinning - again not actually) so I have to return to the man who loved and healed and taught and died and rose again. I can focus on that. And I'm fine with not understanding all the rest. 

Which is basically what I'm going to say in my talk. "I know nothing."


Boud said...

I really prefer the earlier "God is in the detail." Before the devil shoved in and made it plural and lost the original sense. But that's me. And maybe I too know nothing!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Speaking of details, always read the fine print.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, me too, Boud. Neater.
I say that in my talk, Debra!

Ole phat stu said...

"I know nothing" is a line from Socrates, as reported by Plato.