Monday, June 13, 2022

Outlaws and aunties


I am going to talk about the second season of Outlaws. Stop reading now if you don't want to know what happens.

So, Outlaws is a comedy drama, set in Bristol, featuring a group of people who've committed various offences and been given community service. They find a bag of money, keep it, spend it, and then find that it belongs to an evil drug dealer who is going to kill them.

I thinks that's where season one ended. 

The drug dealer gives them six weeks to raise the money. They do so by selling drugs. In the end they set it up so the drug dealer gets arrested and they're free.

While the series is entertaining and the characters are good I can't help feeling a bit uncomfortable with the fact that they raise the money by marketing and selling cocaine, and that cocaine is viewed as a popular recreational drug. 

I watched Breaking Bad and didn't feel this discomfort. Walter died at the end but Jesse got away but that was okay because there was so much bad stuff going on with bad people, and so much had happened to him that I felt he deserved a chance. (Oh, Mr Woodpecker is back pecking in between our paving stones.)

In Outlaws the problem began when the people kept money that wasn't theirs and was very likely suspect money.

I've just read a book called Dial A for Aunties, and I'm similarly uncomfortable with the ending. The hero and her family accidentally kill a man, cover it up, and get away with it. The book is very funny, lots of farcical moments, and some good characters again, but still that 'not quite fair' feeling stays with me.

I'm probably taking these things much too seriously; they're meant to be light-hearted, and I enjoyed them both. But still . . .


Chuck Pergiel said...

Sorry to inform you, but you are getting old. Morality is passe, lying is the order of the day, and the old golden rule has been replaced by 'who has the gold, rules'. The fact that 'the world is going to hell in a handbasket' isn't new, it's just we are so much better informed about it. Chin up, I'm sure the villains will get their just desserts.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I left a comment that I don't like such plot lines either, but Blogger ate it again!