Thursday, June 30, 2022

A jumpy around post

I didn't show you my pretty tubs by the front door last week when I took the photos. Normally Husband buys plants for the garden but this year I've taken a bit more interest and decided to go rogue.

So they're a bit erratic but pretty colours.

There's only one problem . . .

"Don't pull up the little poppies that have seeded themselves in the paving cracks," said I to Husband. With result that the little poppies grew into big poppies and now you can't see the flower tub on the right of the door.

Ah well, poppies don't last that long. Let's just hope my tub plants last longer.

Our new garden corner meanwhile is nicely laid with paving stones. All it needs is the arbour, wherein lies the problem.

When Husband unwrapped it he found one bit was badly split. I messaged the company and they quickly despatched a replacement. Today Husband opened that only to find it's the wrong one.

Apparently another one is being despatched as I write.

It's a bit like my hearing test. 

I am booked in for one at 9.00 am tomorrow. I am not holding my breath: it's been cancelled the last two times at the last minute.

On Tuesday when I led bible study I made my now usual request for people to speak up as I'm a bit deaf, then I had to mention the fact that I'd forgotten my glasses so was also struggling a bit on the seeing front too. Honestly they'd shoot me if I were a horse.

No, they wouldn't. I'm very fit for my age really and it's with that foolish misconception that I insist on doing stupid things like throwing 3kg weights around just to prove I can.

And Son-in-law is very fit as he will need to be to run a marathon this coming Sunday. Rather him than me.

Meanwhile last Sunday I had a lovely walk with young friend and junior doctor, Elin. Each time I see her she tells me depressing stories about working in an NHS hospital. I conclude it is very important to do my best to stay healthy.

Finally I had three anonymous comments on my blog post about abortion. I usually only get anonymous if one of you forgets to sign in! I don't think that was the case here. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, those are big poppies if they can hide your other flower planter! I hope your hearing test goes ahead finally.

I see Blogger ate my comment on your midges post. I said that your story was funny and reminded me of Monty Python's sketch about the crowd listening to Jesus deliver the Beatitudes.

Boud said...

I like the riot of flowers!