Sunday, May 15, 2022

This could get boring

George had another seizure last night.

Husband heard him and rushed downstairs. I followed. Husband managed to get the medicine in and then we sat and waited while he came to. While he was sniffing us and not absolutely sure who we were he still managed to find his way to the pantry and stick his head in his bag of dog food. Some things never change.

When he was about 18 months old.

Apparently a seizure leaves him hungry. We gave him a bowlful and then let him into the garden for a bit. It was raining but Husband didn't want him to take himself off to sleep in a bush so went out with him. In his dressing-gown, sandals and umbrella. Husband is our hero.

Hoping he gets through tonight peacefully as he has his blood test first thing tomorrow morning and mustn't eat for twelve hours beforehand. I misunderstood what the test was for. It seems it can tell if the cause of the seizures is a chemical imbalance. That, I think is the best option, as it could be treated with drugs. (I'm assuming that.)

It feels as if we're all just waiting. 


Boud said...

Keep us updated. I wonder if the vet will recommend the canine dose of gabapentin.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope George remains seizure free pending his bloodwork.

Marie Smith said...

Hope all is well tonight and the news overall is good.

LL Cool Joe said...

Poor George, I hope the vet finds out what the cause of his seizures is.

PipeTobacco said...

So sorry this is happening.
